Stepping into Montezuma just before the onset of the rainy season brought a mix of emotions – a sense of homecoming and the realization that finding a job during this time would be a challenge, as many businesses were shutting down temporarily. While navigating the quaint village, I crossed paths with Maya, an Israeli restaurant owner, and we quickly forged a friendship.

As I spent my days exploring the picturesque surroundings, trying to secure employment, and enjoying the beautiful Playa Grande for some surfing, Maya became a guiding force in my life. Recognizing potential in me beyond teaching yoga, she suggested I inquire about renting the hostel across from her restaurant.
Following her advice, I approached the hostel owner, and despite my basic Spanish, I successfully secured a rental agreement after two weeks.
This marked the beginning of an unexpected journey – owning my own hostel in Costa Rica.
Eager to bring my vision to life, I reached out to my father, and together we embarked on a month-long renovation journey. Painting, fixing, building, and renewing, we transformed the hostel from a gloomy space to a vibrant and welcoming attraction.
The surreal experience of working during the rainy season, when the village was dark and quiet, forged a unique bond between my father and me as we envisioned the space filled with joyful guests.
As my father departed, leaving me with the final touches, the reality of running a hostel on my own set in. It was a nerve-wracking experience, especially for an introvert like me. However, with Maya's encouragement, I overcame my reservations, sharing my story with potential guests at the bus stop and inviting them to explore the newly transformed hostel.

The initial months were a whirlwind of attending to guests around the clock, learning to manage the business in Spanish, and facing the challenges of self-promotion. Amidst this, I noticed a gap in my life – the absence of my regular yoga practice. Surfing had taken a toll on my shoulders, and the demands of managing the hostel left me physically and mentally depleted.

Recognizing the need for balance, I resumed my yoga practice. Mornings became my sanctuary, providing a moment of peace before the day's hustle began. Yoga not only helped me regain strength in my shoulders but also brought clarity and patience, essential for managing a bustling hostel.

In the midst of service and business management, yoga emerged as my constant companion, offering solace, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose. It became the thread weaving through the challenges and triumphs of owning a hostel in Montezuma, transforming not only the physical space but also my own journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
