After years of attending senior yoga classes, my path took a turn when I had to fulfil my mandatory military service in Israel. Being thrust into a war zone as a medic in the Gaza Strip put my yoga practice on hold. However, little did I know that this phase would later play a significant role in my yoga journey.
Once I completed my military service, I gladly returned to the senior yoga classes. Although I was happy to be back, I felt a craving for a more invigorating form of exercise, leading me to attend spin classes multiple times a week. Balancing a physically demanding job at the stable, which had been a significant part of my life since childhood, I found myself gradually losing focus on yoga and attending classes less frequently.
Dreaming of a grand adventure, my boyfriend and I planned a trip to Africa. However, an unexpected breakup altered the course of my plans, and instead, I found myself journeying to India to meet a friend from the army who was already there. At the time, India had never held much appeal for me, but destiny had other plans.

Arriving in New Delhi, I immediately boarded a bus headed for Dharamsala to reunite with my friend. She suggested that I enrol in a local Iyengar yoga school, and so I did. For about a week, I faithfully attended classes. To my surprise, the teacher was ego-driven and lacked compassion. Everything I thought I knew about yoga felt shattered. He often mocked students, and I, too, became a target of his belittling behavior. It was disconcerting when he casually mentioned avoiding headstands due to his inflated ego. Yet, being in India, I thought I should persevere and continue trying.
Furthermore, lacking sig
nificant upper body strength and not maintaining a consistent practice, the teacher insisted I hold Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) for what felt like an eternity, resulting in a neck injury. I made the decision not to return to his class. Despite the unpleasant experience, I found solace in the natural surroundings and the atmosphere of the area.
My friend and I continued to travel together in Northern India for several months until she returned home. I then embarked on an independent journey throughout Asia, backpacking through India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, ultimately circling back to India before heading home.

In Nepal, I embarked on a three-week hike along the Annapurna trail with my father. In Thailand, I reunited with another friend from home and participated in a transformative ten-day Vipassana meditation retreat. Returning to India, I spent a month and a half in Varanasi, where I formed a deep connection with the place, regularly visiting the Shiva temple and immersing myself in its spiritual essence. Later, I reunited with one of my closest friends and her parents, spending my final month in Asia together, celebrating the vibrant festivals of Holi and Shivaratri in Varanasi before journeying back to Northern India and then back home.

Almost a year of solo travel had a profound impact on me, empowering me and filling my journey with incredible spiritual experiences.
Coming back home was a shocking experience. I found solace in the sounds of Indian music, creating little rituals at home to keep the essence of my journey alive. The urge to travel burned within me, leading me to make plans for Australia. However, the universe, once again, had divergent plans in store. My tourist visa application was unexpectedly denied, leaving me grounded in my homeland. Back in familiar surroundings, I returned to my yoga and spin classes, but deep down, I felt a profound absence — the spiritual dimension that had enriched my travels was noticeably absent

As my yoga journey continued, I realized something was amiss—I yearned for that spiritual connection I had experienced during my travels. It was a lesson in itself, a reminder that both the good and not-so-good experiences were invaluable lessons shaping the path ahead. This realization would guide me toward a new chapter of growth and self-discovery.
Stay tuned as I embrace the teachings and delve deeper into the rest of my journey, finding wisdom in every step along the way.