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Practice With Me

Travel With Me

Yoga, Pilates, Yoga Therapy

Coming Soon


My name is Elena

Elena hello hawaii about me

I'm a passionate and experienced yoga, pilates and yoga therapy teacher.

I am a world traveler, an explorer and an enthusiastic photographer.

I believe we can all learn how to feel good, and live comfortably in our bodies.

From my perspective, Yoga is truly everywhere, and every moment or experience we go through can be incorporated into a practice of awareness.

My mission is simply to help you feel good, and learn to be comfortable in your own body.

"The things that you are passionate about are not random-

They are your calling"

Fabienne Fredrickson

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headstant yoga woman desert beautiful yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that brings mind and body together.

Yoga is a vast ocean of Knowledge and a way of life.

In my classes we will practice asana, pranayama and meditation. The asana practice will be from Midfull vinyasa to slow flow, depending on the Participents.


Pilates is a form of a low-impact, mindful practice wherein each exercise is coordinated with the breath. In this discipline, we focus on the quality of every movement with an emphasis on, attention to, and activation of our core muscles, practicing and increasing stability, and improving postural alignment and flexibility.


Explore the depths of your body and mind. 

Do you crave a pain-free life, or wonder if it is in fact possible? 

Do you struggle with a specific physical condition or issue that you would like to work on, improve and hopefully resolve?

Become stronger, more focused, and more flexible through one-on-one yoga therapy sessions.

Feeling better in your body starts here.


Ready to nurture yourself with an unforgettable experience? Join me for a Yoga retreat in one of the amazing locations.

Practice with me on YouTube

Alessandra, 26, Mindful Vinyasa

Elena and a happy student
“I have been to many different yoga courses over the last years, trying different yoga styles with different teachers and Elena's yoga classes are my favorite. What I enjoy most is that the classes are always a good mix of active movements, powerful poses as well as relaxing ones. Elena adapts her classes to the students needs and wishes and always gives different options for different levels of difficulty, thus allowing students to do what is right for them at that time. Also Elena offers individual adjusments to improve my poses and she can spot exactly what someone does wrong (or could improve). This really contributes to my learning effect, allowing me to also do yoga with the correct posture at home when i'm alone. Another advantage is that the classes follow the similar structure, but no class is the same. This allows to keep things interesting also when joining multiple classes every week.
Overall, I love Elena's classes and can highly recommend. I always feel super energized after her class."
woman mountains yogi smiling


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